UTD Guard and Reserve Students

Checklists for currently serving students
The UT Dallas Military Student Checklist is for students who are serving in the Reserves or Guard and have military training requirements throughout the semester. Use this to prepare and coordinate with faculty prior to the Annual Tour or drill weekend.
UTD students in the Guard/Reserve that have to miss class or exams due to military duty should contact the Military and Veteran Center. MVC staff will review the orders and provide a memo for faculty and the undergraduate/graduate dean of your school. In addition, the memo will be sent to the Dean of Students. This memo provides verification of military orders and outlines the UTD catalog policy under “Military Service Activation Interruption of Education” and the “Option to Remain Enrolled and Complete Coursework Following Brief Military Service.” See policy in Helpful Links below.
Helpful Links
Federal Tuition Assistance
Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. To find out how to get started, visit your local installation education center or go online to a virtual education center.
Army Reserve and Texas Army National Guard – ArmyIgnitED
Marine Corps Reserve – Marine Reserve
Navy Reserve – Navy College
Air Force Reserve – Air Force Reserve
Coast Guard Reserve–COOL
State Tuition Assistance
Service members with the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG), the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), or the Texas State Guard (TXSG), may be eligible for State Tuition Assistance.
Chapter 1606: Montgomery GI Bill-Select Reserves
Chapter 1606 provides education and training benefits to eligible members of the Selected Reserve. Selected Reserve includes the Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, the Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components, and the VA makes payments for the program. Eligibility is for up to 36 months of benefits but typically ends on the day the reservist leaves the Selected Reserve.
Learn more about the Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve.