
Donations to the Military and Veteran Center provide students that are veterans, reservists/guard/active duty, spouses/dependents, and ROTC cadets with resources, services, and programs. Staff at the center also educate the campus and community about issues specific to student veterans.

The University relies on the support of alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations. Philanthropic support enables the Military and Veteran Center to help veterans adjust and integrate into campus life. Gifts can take many forms, from monetary contributions to in-kind donations.

Donation Options

If you choose to donate online, you can designate your gift to one of the following:

  • The Military and Veteran Center General Fund provides funds for the Military and Veteran Center, including programs and services for student veterans.
  • The Veteran Award Fund provides awards for student veterans for their educational and living expenses.
  • The Veteran Benevolent Fund provides awards for student veterans experiencing a situational economic hardship.
  • The Veterans of UT Dallas – Student Veterans of America (SVA) Fund supports chapter activities, as well as the expenses related to attending the national conference.

Visit the Office of Development and Alumni Relations website for more information about how you can make a difference at UT Dallas.